0800 04 22 20 info@dvcybergroup.ch

Our conviction

Protecting against the risks of digital change, and making the right decisions in an information environment that is more complex, dynamic and uncertain than ever, is first and foremost a strategic skill that every decision-maker must master. Technical considerations are undoubtedly important, but they are only a secondary part of the problem. A holistic, systemic approach is imperative. dVCyberGroup SA – supported by the digiVolution foundation’s observatory and think tank – has set itself the mission of putting this conviction into practice, and of supporting and “arming” decision-makers to perform their increasingly demanding tasks.

The founders of digiVolution and dVCyberGroup have decided to make their know-how available to increase Switzerland’s preparedness for these challenges.



360° vigilance with



Help decision-makers to identify, understand and assess their entities’ external and internal digital challenges and risks, and define a dynamic strategy and system to respond to them.

Support decision-makers in crisis situations to implement their decisions and monitor the risks and challenges of digital mutation.

Develop capabilities and train decision-makers and key personnel to cope with cyber risks and master crisis situations (cyber or otherwise).

Key figures


In 2022, the fight against cybercrime cost 7.4% of the global GDP. By 2028, it will be 10.3% (Statista)


80% of companies suffering data loss go bankrupt within 12 months (hiscox)


36% of Swiss companies have already suffered a cyber attack (Raiffeisen)


What makes our team unique

A large body of incomparable experience accumulated during major national and international events and incidents. We have all acquired our skills in the service of others and in the logic of our business. Our basic book knowledge would be pretty meagre without what we’ve done and learned in the field.

In-house expertise and dynamic partnerships with the best experts and companies in our network are another of our strengths. We cover a wide range of areas, including cyber defence / cybersecurity, security policy, intelligence, risk and crisis management, forensics, training and exercises, and of course legal bases, data protection and immaterial heritage.

dVCyberGroup SA also benefits directly from the digiVolution foundation’s think tank and its close links with academic circles (ETH and HES in particular). We also have a detailed knowledge of the history of cyber in Switzerland since the ’80s, and our ongoing analysis of the situation, which is reflected in countless newsletters.

Gérald Vernez

Founder and Chairman of the Board

Haris Stucki


Carlo Fachini

Operations, sales and partner relations

Reiny Schnyder

Communication, public affairs, dVPedia

Eva Gallaz

Finance and administration